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80% of Japanese women report being hit on by strangers

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SOURCE: japantoday


A new Japanese poll has found that 80% of women have been hit on by strangers on the street at least once.

It’s really not surprising given that most guys have tried the random on-the-street approach at least a few times in their lives, either because of peer pressure or through a fleeting, spur-of-the-moment impulse. It seems to us as long as you’re polite and not overly aggressive, it doesn’t hurt to try, but apparently Japanese women disagree, since the poll also found that 65% of women reject those proposals outright. Why?

It seems a lot of it has to do with… let’s be honest here: guys not exactly being the most charming individuals around when they decide to make their move. Some women relate their specific experiences in the poll, and it’s kind of cringe-inducing.

“Some drunk guy hit on me in Shinjuku (a location notorious for guys trying to pick up). He clearly wasn’t used to it and had zero confidence. I was 100% sure that I wouldn’t have a good time if I went along with this loser.”



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